Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hear I am days later from my somber words and disillusioned view on relationships with someone and angst to my life etc....and All of a sudden blah blah. I am on top on my game. I am positive, light headed, extremely optimistic and kinda super into where things seem to be going right now. How do you ride a wave that is getting so high and keep on it long enough to have effects that will last. I don't want to fall of this board and drown again. I told my friend yesterday that I have a crush on myself. HA pretty ridiculous yes but it has really been a long while that I have been feeling this good about the opportunities and possibilities that have just recently been unfolding and presenting themselves to me. I seeing that I actually have things going for me and when you are clear headed, meaning sober and not depressed or feeling sorry for yourself, good things might actually start to happen. Im less concerned with relationships and more concerned with the organic flow of how friends and personal time can integrate in to my life on a balanced level. If people want to be apart of my life because of who I am then its a lot less stressful to try an make a friendship happen. Thses friends actually care what I have to say and think I have something going for my self and well, How Im feeling now they migh just be right. One of the most exciting things that has presented itself to me is a extremely lovely and talented friend has asked me to start a band with them. Something I have wanted for so long but as a sneaky little unrealistic dream that only my shampoo bottles could appreciate. Me in in the shower, singing Disney songs at the top of my lungs. No encores were ever asked for. But the acoustics in a shower!!!

Anyways I am uber excited and flattered that this person thinks Im going to bring a significant amount of creative charisma to his team and Im almost in a state of ecstasy crazed excitement with this and the other this and thats that have me looking forward to life again.

Plus my BFF just came to visit and this cherry tops the whole thing.

This is something funny and sad and human though that is popping into me head. This person that I feel made me lose my self worth, goals, or at least I was just focusing all my energy on them and so there was none left for me which inturn was making me my own worst enemy. Anyways so there gone and Im am doing better than I have in so long and I cant help but think am I really going to not have this person in my life again.....I mean friends/lovers should bring out the best in you and motivate you to be better and since he was the culprit to all my self demise is it a good idea to secretly hope we can be good friends again after the horrible states my relationship with him caused me to be in?? I guess only time and the wave of excitement I am riding on will tell. One thing is for sure I truly hope I can continue to flourish in my own path and only when I really do have my own things going for me should I ever consider to love again.

My wet blanket is drying! Thank G!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

over a month!

Its BEEEEEENNNNN forever since ive written on this tiny space the amount of GB im taking up on the interwebs is pretty much non existance and the twom followers I had well I cant imagine that they are goign to read this. I even had a hard time finding my lil blog here. I couldnt remember what it was called until I looked up at my bookmark bar and luckily I had ME like that on it and here I am.

So much has happened from my last extreme vent of a post and this one could easily put that one to shame when considering that certain someone who has clearly caused me a great deal of sorrow. Its funny when you look back on your writing and see things like that. That was a hurt powerful moment that putting it out into the world seemed and was very important. Reading it back today actually helped and re reminded me how I am goin gto be so much better off. This person did everything I said and more in ten fold and If only I had remembered how I had felt that night maybe I wouldnt have let it get to where it had gotten. But like I had said sadly im too weak and the only way I have been able to remove this person from my life is actually on their own account and nothing to do with me. That is correct. They went to rehab! Now granted what you think about rehab you generally think of someone with a serious addiction but as he put it it is more related to the psychological issues he was having that made him abuse substances. Though I know from having growing up with someone who abused the shit out of uppers and downers you can't say that your not right in the head because your always coming down or going up. This person is probably one of the selfish laziest and fickle persons I have ever met and I don't understand why I want them to love me. The whole reason I stoppped sleeping with them is because they decided that they did really care about me. cared about me too much to do something that they didnt care enough about. wow. I must be really bad in bed ...oh here i go again putting myself down. Im not bad I made it all about them all the time. Here is a note if the person you are sleeping with never goes down on you regardless of if you want them to or not but if you are always doing it to them and they never do it back I think that is a clear indication that they are not really attracted to you. As i had talked about before the little things.. well this is one of them. another. Always being available for them and them never being available for you. I was diluted thinking that this person was really into me because they were making time for me 5 days a week but suddenly when they started pulling back and I was trying to continue this stream I was neglected and shit apon. They couldnt see me or anyone, they say, but then later called someone else and showed up on their door step with a bottle of wine. Their best friend yes..okay I get. However when all i was asking for was a moment and it poisoned this person to even think about having to see me at this time of distress(they did just enter rehab). It is one of things. I was hurt and confused because I had been there so much when ever they needed. text me at 530 am because you cant sleep come over. hunry at 6 am ill cook you a deluxe meal. send you ridiculous packages from BC gifts and gifts of humour-able thoughtful ness and well after all is said and done. my Bday was last week and I got a happy bday but not even a card or extra special hug or words of true thoughtfulness. yet he says he cares so much i am one of his good friends wow. i was treating them like my best friend. im so emotionally and mentally slash physically exhausted from this person that I think our friendship is over and what is even more disturbing about what I am about to say is.....It will be over because this person doesnt care enough to care if it was or not and I simply dont have the energy. This has been the hardest 6 months of my life and the worst thing about it is I feel like I have nothing to show for it.

well thats not entirely true i have made some amazing friends through this person, and also I think I have learned a lesson about what not to do though it has and is taking longer then one would hope. I feel bad though about the number of things and people i put off because of this person and like I sad before they never would have done the same for me and I think that is what hurts more than anything. the last words on this topic is a poem I wrote.

pretty much sums up this ridiculously long entry.
also can i just mention I hate how he has doodled on so many pages of my notebook. help me forget and forgive but not give them anything more. the time now is to move on and live my life for me. I am in my skin alone all the time with or without others and I have to live with the choices and decisions i make. Please do the things that will not lead to so many hours of painful regret and sorrow. I long to sit in a room alone and still be smiling. That day is coming.

here is my poem:


okay though on another note all the other people in my life are really pulling through and things are not as bad as they seem. Im just dealing with them in the only way i know how to. I had an amazing bday and thanksgiving and if I can just stop feeling sorry for myself which I have started to do. Good things wil start to happen for me. They already have xx

Sunday, August 8, 2010

oh the little tings....

udder frustration and confusion has taken over all of a sudden and all i want to do is everything i am not suppose to. one thing is copy and pasting dozens of things for my teacher who seems to be alright with me skipping school to do his work and also not thinking that I have any other things of my own going on because he is so blind sited by his own personal project that i said i wanted to help with. I think its great that he seems to be a bit like a slave driver, he expects a lot and that's a good learning experience for me but at the same time i cant help but feel like i'm being walked all over. I mean i'm not getting paid and if i hadn't agreed to do this when was he going to find the time to get it done. i'm having it done in a week and its taking up at least 15 hours of my time but who cares and who is counting all i know is im doing this instead of school and working out. but this is just a minor frustration and im sorta happy to be doing it but its taking forever and now im wasting time so i can vent! I also want to not attend a particular event that is happening tonight because a certain so and so is expecting me to be there just as they expect me to be available for what ever and when ever they want. Little details that people tell you that you most often forget or even think to think or consider but it is always the little things that count and with this person there is never any miniscule surprises sent my way, i watch as they dit and dat to all their other friends so I know this person is very capable at caring but why bother putting in those little details to someone that respects you more than they should. You have to try to put them down some how and by acting like you barely consider their existence to be important is a great way to do this because then when all of a sudden this person wants something from you all they have to do is walk you home and bam their in. in so many ways there in and you have their undivided attention for what 3 hours plus a cuddle maybe.....then its the next day and they go back to negligence because they think oh SHIT, ive given her too much and she can't think that this means I actually care about her, I FEEL LIKE IT MUST BE HARD WORK TO PRETEND TO CARE ABOUT SOMEONE SOMETIMES BUT THIS BRINGS ME BACK TO THE LITTLE THINGS I MEAN. EVEN IN MY 3 HOURS WITH THIS PERSON WHEN THEY ARE GIVING ME ATTENTION THERE IS STILL NO LITTLE THINGS IT IS NOT ABOUT ME BY ANY MEANS ITS ABOUT THEM, YES I AM THERE BUT THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE STARING AT THEIR OWN FUCKING REFLECTION. and they think its not obvious, well im not stupid im just hopeless and retarded.

anyways i go to this thing they expect or i don't go and confusion implodes to bad im too weak.

well back to work.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

well hello there.

In the name of girl power. this hot little number runs a colony like ants and bee's there is one queen that gets all the ass in the world she wants while all her male minions dig tunnels and bring her food. who says you have to be beautiful to be worshipped and waited on hand and foot.

tid bit

girls have more chores and get less time to play. can you believe that! parents let your girls play more.

Friday, July 9, 2010

unicorn is the best, i love this


Auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon

My aunt is here for a visit.

oh man. blogging ......

Tik clock goes my computer clock
need to sleep
but can't stop the creep

tomorrow's gonna suck
have to get up early as fuck

This is barely a rhyme
but im just wasting time

dont want to god to bed
dont want to rest my head

I want night to stay forever
no more mornings... please

If I could just hold on to that moment of pure content when my mind stops racing and im about to fall asleep. I love that! all is right with the world and I have no stress. thinking about the fact that my duck alarm is going to go off in 6 hours isnt helping me reach that state in which i so desire.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

so hot and so delicious

My skin is melting and even after a shower im pretty sure that I stick and stink all over again.

Thank you Toronto.
Thank you for your smog,
Thank you for you garbage,
Thank you for your constant hit in the face with stink of rotten Vagi gi,
Thank you for your humidity,
Thank you for the contaminated lake that I am urged to not swim in( I will swim in you anyways)

I have air conditioning. I'll thank my Landlord for that
but I will also thank Toronto for keeping pools open until midnight in the name of a heat wave.

And why not thank the kid that shit in the pool i was most recently at. thank you for that too.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

pigs arn't just good for bacon

I am a Little Pig and I like to fly.

Across the city and way up high!

I fly to the Sun and I fly to the Moon.

I fly with the Sparrow and the singing Loon.

Through the park and around the trees.

Along the river and with the Bees.

I play hide and seek in the clouds with the Sun

She’s always smiling, its so much fun!

The Clouds all giggle as I tickle their bellies.

They bounce up and down like a spoon full of jelly.

The wind starts to blow and more clouds roll in.

Suddenly the Sun isn’t smiling cheek to chin.

My wings feel heavy and It’s hard to stay afloat.

The air is getting cold oh I wish I wore my coat.

I wave goodbye to the Sun and the far off Moon,

Hurry home to my mother and my brothers soon.

The Birds and Bee’s have all flown away.

Back to the shelter of the trees that now sway.

The sky starts to grumble and light starts to spark!

I hope I make it home before it gets too dark!

The rain falls hard on my little piggy nose,

And the air feels cold on my little piggy toes

Back through the park and across the city.

The sky is now purple and very pretty.

In the distance I can see my house

I can see my room and my small friend Mouse.

Out of the window looks my worried mother,

I fly into her arms and tell her I love her.

Home safe and sound we watch the storm,

Little Pigs in a blanket nice and warm.

Oh I am a Little Pig and I like to fly.

Until tomorrow goodnight, goodbye.

Friday, July 2, 2010

this is all over the place. brain rant

who started blogging? I dunno but I see how it can be a good outlet and if people actually think your interesting enough or cool enough to read what you have to say or post then good for you.
(but its also another place to just be ripped apart and judged, I totally do that too...)

Anyway I see it as self validation on another level I suppose. But there are so many blogs out there how do people have time to read all the constant phycological banter that another has going on in their brain. My teacher said having a blog is a great way to practise/exercise writing. I like that idea and its an organized diary ( kinda why I decided to take her suggestion up)-
I realize that I can write on this what ever I want....well sort of... it will be there forever. its almost impossible to delete things once published on the internet- why i still have my boober82@hotmail account- please stop sending my fan mail there it will never get read! - sorry - haha

I was thinking about all these other people who have blogs about bettering themselves and the world. They want people to read them so they think their words are significant and creating change or what ever........Im sure for some these peoples words are inspiring and Im almost envious that people can touch other people in that way. Id rather throw poo at people like monkeys- that's another way to touch people and get your point across.

Im slightly in a sad and cynical mood, disappointed in my personal behaviour this past week and to be completely honest the past long while....granted the reason for feeling especially low may have something to do with messing around with brain chemicals but the downward spiral is such an easy slide to jump on but I know I should start thinking about the consequences of my actions because Im not made of rubber and bouncing back is getting harder.......

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

tanderoni is no beloghni

Oh perfect!!! my two best Unicorns followed me home and now there is enough of us to play double dutch. I miss the good old days of sleeping in each others bath tubs and and pissing off our neighbours. not to mention a real good nacho- true they hardly exist out here in comparison.

Monday, June 28, 2010

la la la la ...the twitter....i like worms too

unicorns follow me

So my best friend Just happens to be a Unicorn, as soon as she found out what my blog was about she started following me. She is isnt the first horned horse to follow me home, but she is most definitely the shiniest.

Ode to Unicorn.

not Unibrow
not Unicow
when you eat hay
you shit out gold
that metallic smell
is rather bold
not unicycle
not unifycle

Sunday, June 27, 2010

this blog is not about hippos

just so you know.

its about unicorns and boners.

A face only a mother could love.......well i can relate

why not?

Since it was overly difficult for me to create this I doubt this is ever something that I am going to continue doing but.... considering there are so many idiots out there doing this why i cant i be one of them to....not saying my friends that have blogs are idiots (theres are all actually pretty good)