Wednesday, July 28, 2010
well hello there.

tid bit
Saturday, July 10, 2010
i heart piggies too. I think there talking about cops
Friday, July 9, 2010
oh man. blogging ......
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
so hot and so delicious
Saturday, July 3, 2010
pigs arn't just good for bacon

I am a Little Pig and I like to fly.
Across the city and way up high!
I fly to the Sun and I fly to the Moon.
I fly with the Sparrow and the singing Loon.
Through the park and around the trees.
Along the river and with the Bees.
I play hide and seek in the clouds with the Sun
She’s always smiling, its so much fun!
The Clouds all giggle as I tickle their bellies.
They bounce up and down like a spoon full of jelly.
The wind starts to blow and more clouds roll in.
Suddenly the Sun isn’t smiling cheek to chin.
My wings feel heavy and It’s hard to stay afloat.
The air is getting cold oh I wish I wore my coat.
I wave goodbye to the Sun and the far off Moon,
Hurry home to my mother and my brothers soon.
The Birds and Bee’s have all flown away.
Back to the shelter of the trees that now sway.
The sky starts to grumble and light starts to spark!
I hope I make it home before it gets too dark!
The rain falls hard on my little piggy nose,
And the air feels cold on my little piggy toes
Back through the park and across the city.
The sky is now purple and very pretty.
In the distance I can see my house
I can see my room and my small friend Mouse.
Out of the window looks my worried mother,
I fly into her arms and tell her I love her.
Home safe and sound we watch the storm,
Little Pigs in a blanket nice and warm.
Oh I am a Little Pig and I like to fly.
Until tomorrow goodnight, goodbye.