Wednesday, July 28, 2010

well hello there.

In the name of girl power. this hot little number runs a colony like ants and bee's there is one queen that gets all the ass in the world she wants while all her male minions dig tunnels and bring her food. who says you have to be beautiful to be worshipped and waited on hand and foot.

tid bit

girls have more chores and get less time to play. can you believe that! parents let your girls play more.

Friday, July 9, 2010

unicorn is the best, i love this


Auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon auntie sharon

My aunt is here for a visit.

oh man. blogging ......

Tik clock goes my computer clock
need to sleep
but can't stop the creep

tomorrow's gonna suck
have to get up early as fuck

This is barely a rhyme
but im just wasting time

dont want to god to bed
dont want to rest my head

I want night to stay forever
no more mornings... please

If I could just hold on to that moment of pure content when my mind stops racing and im about to fall asleep. I love that! all is right with the world and I have no stress. thinking about the fact that my duck alarm is going to go off in 6 hours isnt helping me reach that state in which i so desire.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

so hot and so delicious

My skin is melting and even after a shower im pretty sure that I stick and stink all over again.

Thank you Toronto.
Thank you for your smog,
Thank you for you garbage,
Thank you for your constant hit in the face with stink of rotten Vagi gi,
Thank you for your humidity,
Thank you for the contaminated lake that I am urged to not swim in( I will swim in you anyways)

I have air conditioning. I'll thank my Landlord for that
but I will also thank Toronto for keeping pools open until midnight in the name of a heat wave.

And why not thank the kid that shit in the pool i was most recently at. thank you for that too.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

pigs arn't just good for bacon

I am a Little Pig and I like to fly.

Across the city and way up high!

I fly to the Sun and I fly to the Moon.

I fly with the Sparrow and the singing Loon.

Through the park and around the trees.

Along the river and with the Bees.

I play hide and seek in the clouds with the Sun

She’s always smiling, its so much fun!

The Clouds all giggle as I tickle their bellies.

They bounce up and down like a spoon full of jelly.

The wind starts to blow and more clouds roll in.

Suddenly the Sun isn’t smiling cheek to chin.

My wings feel heavy and It’s hard to stay afloat.

The air is getting cold oh I wish I wore my coat.

I wave goodbye to the Sun and the far off Moon,

Hurry home to my mother and my brothers soon.

The Birds and Bee’s have all flown away.

Back to the shelter of the trees that now sway.

The sky starts to grumble and light starts to spark!

I hope I make it home before it gets too dark!

The rain falls hard on my little piggy nose,

And the air feels cold on my little piggy toes

Back through the park and across the city.

The sky is now purple and very pretty.

In the distance I can see my house

I can see my room and my small friend Mouse.

Out of the window looks my worried mother,

I fly into her arms and tell her I love her.

Home safe and sound we watch the storm,

Little Pigs in a blanket nice and warm.

Oh I am a Little Pig and I like to fly.

Until tomorrow goodnight, goodbye.

Friday, July 2, 2010

this is all over the place. brain rant

who started blogging? I dunno but I see how it can be a good outlet and if people actually think your interesting enough or cool enough to read what you have to say or post then good for you.
(but its also another place to just be ripped apart and judged, I totally do that too...)

Anyway I see it as self validation on another level I suppose. But there are so many blogs out there how do people have time to read all the constant phycological banter that another has going on in their brain. My teacher said having a blog is a great way to practise/exercise writing. I like that idea and its an organized diary ( kinda why I decided to take her suggestion up)-
I realize that I can write on this what ever I want....well sort of... it will be there forever. its almost impossible to delete things once published on the internet- why i still have my boober82@hotmail account- please stop sending my fan mail there it will never get read! - sorry - haha

I was thinking about all these other people who have blogs about bettering themselves and the world. They want people to read them so they think their words are significant and creating change or what ever........Im sure for some these peoples words are inspiring and Im almost envious that people can touch other people in that way. Id rather throw poo at people like monkeys- that's another way to touch people and get your point across.

Im slightly in a sad and cynical mood, disappointed in my personal behaviour this past week and to be completely honest the past long while....granted the reason for feeling especially low may have something to do with messing around with brain chemicals but the downward spiral is such an easy slide to jump on but I know I should start thinking about the consequences of my actions because Im not made of rubber and bouncing back is getting harder.......